From The Administrative Team….
Welcome back to the 2016/2017 school year! We hope everyone had a restful and fun filled summer holiday with
family and friends. It is nice to see our students and staff returning
refreshed and ready to begin the new school year, which promises to be a busy
one. We are all very excited to begin this new
chapter in education with you. We hope to make this an engaging and
successful school year for everyone.
At Stoney Creek Public School, our School Goal is “To improve students’ ability to understand, explain
and demonstrate their learning”. We will be focusing our Professional Development this
year around our School Goal. Stoney
Creek has an exceptional teaching and support staff that works tirelessly for
the benefit of each and every student. We pride ourselves on being a
place where our mission is to ensure that “we build each student’s tomorrow,
every day”. We believe that our parent community is an equally important part
of the success of our students and school. We encourage parents to
participate in the daily learning activities of their child by talking to him/her
about their learning and by using planners to openly communicate with their
child's teacher. There are many
opportunities for families to get involved in the Stoney Creek Community. Our
Parent Council welcomes new members at any time and will meet monthly at 6:30
p.m. in our school library for approximately 1 hour. Our first School Council
Meeting is on Wednesday, September 14th at 6:30 p.m.
Each day, the parents, staff, and
students of Stoney Creek Public School work together to create a supportive,
cooperative, and positive environment that establishes a safe and caring place
for teaching and learning. At Stoney Creek we encourage students to be
responsible for their learning and behaviour and we teach that excellence only
comes through hard work and determination. Our intention
and hope is that our work and focus will enable students to develop the skills,
attitudes, knowledge, and values that will allow them to participate and
contribute positively in an ever-changing world.
Please welcome our new
staff members! Joining our teaching staff this fall are Ms. Dyana Squire,
our new Vice-Principal working with the Administration team. Also, welcome, Ms.
Leashan McCallum-VanPraet teaching grade 7, Ms. Kim Brown is teaching grade 4,
Ms. Chelsey Reid, new to grade 1 this year, Kaleigh Chelmak is teaching our new
8th FDK classroom and Ms. May Chechak is the ECE working within this
FDK. New to our Music Department is Ms.
Seritha Rowsell and new to our ESL is Ms. Jan Jeffrey. We would like to welcome back Mr. Jim
Benincasa our ESL teacher. In the office we have a new administrative
assistant, Ms. Chelsea Heene and we also welcome Tanis Breen and Amanda
Gelinas, Educational Assistants joining our team this year. We have a number of Occasional teachers
filling in for staff who are off on a leave. Please welcome, Mr. Jason Burns our
new Grade 8 teacher (Davis), Ms. Dapne
Lambrinos our new grade 2 teacher (Richer) and Ms. Jamie Cain (Lunick) our
grade 3 teacher. We wish everyone a warm welcome to Stoney Creek. Wow! A huge
number of new staff this year!
While most of us were
enjoying the summer sunshine, a crew of hard workers were here at the school
making everything look shiny and new for September. An enormous thank you
goes out to our custodial team Mr. Goran Brkic, Mr. Justin Kemp, Mr. Jamie
Lloyd, Ms. Nancy Krause and Mr. Dan Rovers. The school looks fantastic!
Construction is well
underway at Stoney Creek. The new
extended parking lot has been paved making our lot now large enough to hold 100
cars, finally big enough for all the staff!
We now have a portapak of 6 portables with an addition of 8 individual
portables in the back of our school, making this a total of 14 portables at
Stoney Creek. Yes, we are now at 1,000
students and counting! The construction
workers have been hard at work fixing up the front foyer, building an
additional FDK classroom and adding 7 classrooms to the back of the
school. This construction has an
expected completion date of March break 2017. You will notice that the back of
our school has been fenced off to ensure student safety and a new ‘temporary’
staircase has been built for entry and exit to the school by our students using
this back entrance. We will continue to keep you updated on safety precautions
during the construction at Stoney Creek.
Teachers will be sending home a package that
includes a number of items that require your attention. Please read and
review with your child where needed, then sign and return the
following forms (please note some are double sided):
1. Lunch Information, School Policies, Emergency
Closure Procedures
2. Elementary Interschool Athletic Form - grades
3 – 8 only
3. Student Planner $5.00
4. Internet agreement – for proper use of technology at the school.
5. Spirit wear order form
6. Insurance forms – These are optional.
Please send directly to the company.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our students, staff and
supportive parent community for working so hard to make Stoney Creek a great
place to work and learn. We encourage you to keep in touch with your child's
teachers and to contact us if you have concerns or questions. By working together
we will ensure that Stoney Creek is a safe, positive and productive learning
environment for all of our students. Please visit us at the school, or on our
website. We're happy to have you with us and we wish you all a terrific school year!
Cindy Kissau Principal Dyana Squire Vice-Principal Peter Dawson Vice-Principal
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