Thursday, 9 October 2014

Upcoming Events in October!

Halloween is just around the corner and we have a variety of activities planned.

Friday, October 24th – Primary Movie Night 7:00-8:30. We will be watching Disney’s animated Monster House.  Donation of $5 per family. Popcorn and juice will also be for sale.  Everyone is encouraged to wear their pajamas and to bring their sleeping bag to sit on.

Black & Orange Day is Thursday, October 30th.

This year staff and students have all expressed an interest in wearing costumes to school.  So on Friday, October 31st all students and staff have the option of wearing a costume.  There will be no weapons, masks or blood permitted.  If students do not want to wear a costume, they can wear orange and black on this day as well.

The Intermediate division is putting on a Halloween Tableau in the gym on Halloween day for grades 3-6.

All classes have entered a Halloween Door Decorating contest which will also take place the week of Halloween, judged by our Student Council.

We will also be celebrating Anti-bullying all month and the next 2 Wednesdays will be ‘wear pink’ days. All students are encouraged to wear pink clothing or accessories on these days.

Congratulations to so many students for doing such an amazing job of selling their chocolate bars. Everyone is doing an outstanding job! Keep up the great work, especially over the long Thanksgiving weekend when you are visiting family.

We are looking for slightly used books that your child is no longer reading.  If you have a bag of books that you can donate, please bring them in so that we can use them in our classrooms.  Our classroom books are getting old and tired and we would love to have some new ones.  Please look around this Thanksgiving weekend for a few books that you no longer read and are willing to donate to our school. 

Please welcome to Stoney Creek 10 teacher candidates from Western.  They began their practicums on Monday and will be visiting for 6 weeks, ending November 14th.

We have recently hired 8 OFIP tutors who are all grade 12 students at Lucas and Central High School.  These tutors will begin working with grades 3-8 students after school from 3:30-4:30 p.m. in our library.  Students can finish up homework, do research, receive additional help in any subject where there is a need.

Attention Stoney Creek Moms and Dads!  We are looking for noon hour tutors to work with our grade 3 and grade 6 students starting in January.  If you would be available from 11:00-11:50 twice a week to work with small groups of students in literacy or numeracy, please call the school so that we can get started on the required paperwork.

Congratulations to our Soccer team that competed against several schools last Thursday.  The team demonstrate exceptional skill and great sportsmanship. A huge thank you to Ms. Braddon and Mr. Noordhof for coaching this team. 

Congratulations to our Cross Country runners for a fantastic race on Tuesday, October 7th at Gibbons Park.  All students gave 100% and successfully finished the race.  We have 19 students who placed in the top 20 and will go on to compete in the finals on Tuesday, October 21st at Fanshawe Park. (Raindate October 22nd).  We wish them the best of luck!

Our boys and girls volleyball team are up and running, practising on a regular basis and will be competing in games very soon.

Our first Character Assembly was on Tuesday focussing on Courage.  Mrs. Deryn-Phillips class did an amazing job of demonstrating Courage through songs, poetry, drama and a cheer.  A special thank you to Ms. Gracey for her musical guidance for this assembly.  We look forward to seeing lots of students demonstrating courage during the month of October.

We have a team of 25 Upstanders that began last week. These student leaders help monitor the yard, solve low level problems and assist students in engaging in safe play.

Attention all Primary Students that love to Sing!  We will be having the first ever Primary Choir (Gr. 1-3) at Stoney Creek.  Students will bring home information this week as the Choir begins practicing next Wednesday during the first nutritional break!  

Mark your Calendars!!!

Seasonal Concert Dates:

Wednesday, December 10th - evening performance - FDK & Primary Students & Primary                                                             Choir
Thursday, December 11th - evening performance - Gr. 4-8, Choir, Concert Band and Jazz                                                            Band

Times will be confirmed at a later date.

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