Thursday, 28 January 2016

Valentine's Day Cake Raffle

Valentine's Day Cake Raffle - Friday, February 12th, 2016

Stoney Creek School Council will once again be holding our annual Valentine's Day Cake Raffle!
Any family that wishes to participate by sending in a cake, please do so on February 12th between 7:30a.m. and 9:30a.m.  Cakes can be as fancy or as plain as you like, but please ensure that they are PEANUT FREE and have an ingredients list attached.  (If packaged mix, just cut off the ingredients list from the package)

The classes will have a chance to check out the cakes on the 12th and tickets will be available for .25 cents each.  A form will be sent home the week of the raffle with tickets for purchase.  The cakes will be sent home with the lucky winners on the 12th at the end of the school day.

 Each student will receive 1 free ticket for the raffle. 

 Volunteers will be required to collect cakes from 7:30a.m. to 9:30a.m. and help throughout the day! 
 We can also be reached at


Monday, 11 January 2016

Dressing for Winter!

Dear Stoney Creek Parents,

Well, Winter has finally arrived and our students need to wear warm, outdoor clothing to protect themselves from the harsh elements of our Winters when they go outside during our 2 nutritional breaks.

Today, many of our students in Primary all the way to Intermediate did not have appropriate clothing on.  All students should have on a hat, mitttens/gloves and a scarf to cover their face from the wind.  If you could reinforce at home that if your child brings snow pants to school, they must wear them at recess time.  Also, an extra pair of mittens/gloves in backpacks are also recommended as the first pair are usually wet by 2nd recess.

It may not be 'cool' to wear snow pants in grades 6, 7 or 8, but when students are outside for 25 minutes, they tend to get very cold without snow pants on. 

Please have a talk with your child to ensure they bring the appropriate clothing for being outside tomorrow. 

Students who do not have the appropriate clothing are asked to take items from our 'lost & found' table to wear to protect themselves from the cold.

Thank you for your support.

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Music Update

    Congratulations to all the performers in the winter concerts this past month. It was certainly a great beginning to our performing year! Membership in the bands and choir opens again in January. For more information about ensembles, please visit my webpage.

    The choir and bands will be learning new music for our upcoming spring festivals and concerts. The junior/intermediate choir will also be performing the national anthem at the London Knights game on February 5th. Order your tickets today from the office.

    To begin the new year, students in grades 4 and 5 will be venturing into the realm of the recorder. If you own a recorder please have it ready to bring to school for music classes next week. If you do not own a recorder and are in grade 4 or 5, an order form has been distributed this week with a due date of January 11.