Friday, 20 November 2015

Hello Stoney Creek Parents and Community,

As we are approaching the festive season, we would like you to mark your calendar for some very important upcoming dates. 

Our Season concerts are fast approaching and a list of the dates are below.

Tuesday, December 8th - 2:15 p.m.             FDK concert
Wednesday, December 9th 6:00 p.m.          Primary concert
Thursday, December 10th  6:00 p.m.          Junior/Intermediate concert

Please click on the link below to access information about our Primary Music Notes:

Thank you

Hope to see you at one of the concerts!

Monday, 16 November 2015

Parent/Teacher Interviews & Progress Report Update


As a result of contract ratification by the ETFO and the Board’s association OPSBA, Progress Reports will be completed by all teachers (Grades 1-8) and distributed to parents on Friday, 2015 December 11.

Friday, 2015 November 20 remains a day where there will be no classes for students.  Interviews relating to this Progress Report will be initiated at the teacher’s discretion, if the teacher identifies a concern about your child’s progress.  Teachers are committed to ongoing communication with parents/guardians regarding student progress.  As always, parents can contact their child’s teacher to discuss their child’s progress and there may be a telephone conversation or there may be an interview, at the teacher’s discretion.

If you have any questions please feel free to call us. 


The Administration Team of Stoney Creek