Friday, 5 December 2014

Update on Recent School Activities

News Update on Recent School Activities:

1) Moustache Day
Student Council sold just under 600 moustaches and made $535 to go towards Prostate Cancer Awareness. Thank-you to Mrs. Julie Ruberto for facilitating this fundraiser.

2) Volleyball Tournament
Congratulations Mr. Dave Annis on the very successful Girls Regional Volleyball Finals held on Tuesday and Thursday of last week (and Tuesday of this week). The events were extremely well organized and there were many positive comments from parents on how well run the event was. 

3) Girls Volleyball Team.
Congratulations to our Girls Volleyball team who won the silver medal in the Regional Volleyball Finals on Tuesday.  In the final match:  they lost a game to Northridge, won the second game and then lost the tie breaker. Very close, competitive games!

The girls then went on to play and defeat Hillcrest for the "Wild Card" spot allowing them to progress to this Saturday's Volleyball City Finals.

Thank-you to Mrs. Holly Barrett, Mrs. Kathy McArthur, Ms. Lindsay Foxworthy our Girls'  Volleyball Coaches.

Stoney Creek put on an amazingly high spirited ‘Pep Rally’ to cheer the Volleyball girls team on and the ‘Robotics Lego’ team wishing them the best of luck at their tournaments on Saturday. Thank you to the Stoney Creek Cheerleaders, Mr. Dave Annis for his slide show and Ms. Julie Ruberto for leading this pep rally.

4) Boys' Volleyball Team
Thank-you to Mr. Jason Eastman and Mrs. Julie Ruberto, our Boys' Volleyball Coaches.

5) Robotic’s Lego Team
The team has been meeting regularly to perfect their Robotic Challenges in order to prepare for Saturday’s tournament against many other Robotics teams around the City. The Team will be competing at Althouse College on Saturday all day.  We wish them the best of luck.  A huge thank you to Michelle Cordy and Peter Eisenbach for all of their time, commitment and patience in working with this team. 

6) Scholastic Book Fair
Book Fair Dates: Monday, December 08, 2014 to Friday, December 12, 2014
Location: Your School Library
Times: Open BEFORE School Each Day From Tuesday to Friday (8:30AM to 9:00AM)  and AFTER School Each Day From Tuesday to Thursday (3:30PM To 4:30PM) for Parents or Students WITH a Parent. Note the Book Fair will close on Friday at 1:00PM.
Extended Hours: We will be open the evenings of...
Wednesday, December 10, 2014 for the FDK and Primary Holiday Concerts.
Thursday, December 11, 2014 for the Junior/Intermediate Holiday Concert.

7) Seasonal Concert Information
Next week are our Seasonal Concerts.  All are welcome to attend.
Wednesday, December 10th – 5:30-6:30 – FDK concert
Wednesday, December 10th – 7:00-8:00 – Primary concert
Thursday, December 11th – 6:30-8:00 – Junior/Intermediate concert

8) Parking & Kiss & Ride
If you have noticed we have orange pylons now lining the centre of the road in front of our school. This new traffic control technique has definitely deterred drivers from completing U-turns.  We will continue with this practice until it is no longer required. 

Just a gentle reminder, kiss and ride is exactly that.  Drive up, open the car door to have your child exit, kiss them goodbye and drive away.  We continue to battle with cars left unattended, running with no one inside or running with children inside. Please abide by the kiss and ride rules!

Upcoming Events:
Friday, Dec. 12th – hat day – proceeds go towards Student Council prizes for classes
Tuesday, Dec. 16th – Red & Green Day
Wednesday, Dec. 17th – Ugly Sweater Day
Thursday, Dec. 18th – Ultimate Dodgeball (Staff vs Students 7 & 8)
Thursday, Dec. 18th – Festive Hat Day
Friday, Dec. 19th – Pajama Day

January 5th, 2015 – First Day Back to School